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Düsseldorf, 11. Januar 1835
Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)
4 beschr. S.; Adresse. – Dieser Brief ist wahrscheinlich dem Brief Nr. 1069 (vgl. Kommentar zu diesem Brief, Z. 33•••) beigelegt gewesen, was auch das Fehlen von Poststempeln plausibel macht. Der Brief ist vollständig in lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben.
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.
Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.
I take the liberty of sending to you two Fugues for the Organ which I composed lately, and arranged them as a
tPaul’s and which occurred again to my memory, when I thought of the pleasures which I enjoy’d there so often by your kindness and friendship for me. I ought to have written to you since long, but I am not able to write a good English letter, and as I have nothing of any interest to tell of the things around me, I preferred waiting for an opportunity of sending you some music, which might tell you better, than I can do it, that I shall always and every where and under all circumstances think with gratitude of the happy hours, which I owe you. Believe me that there are few days, and certainly none of the pleasant ones, when I do not repeat by myself the thanks, which I could never express to you, and feel how happy I was to have known you and to have met with so much friendship from you. Your music is then present to my mind, and when I play or sing that d# in
There is a favour I wanted to ask from you; I am about to publish
neverthink of any hours with greater pleasure than of those at
thJan. 1835
My dear Mr. Attwood I take the liberty of sending to you two Fugues for the Organ which I composed lately, and arranged them as a Duet for two performers, as I think you told me once that you wanted something in that way. The subject of the first Fugue is one which I play’d extempore one morning on your magnificent organ at St Paul’s and which occurred again to my memory, when I thought of the pleasures which I enjoy’d there so often by your kindness and friendship for me. I ought to have written to you since long, but I am not able to write a good English letter, and as I have nothing of any interest to tell of the things around me, I preferred waiting for an opportunity of sending you some music, which might tell you better, than I can do it, that I shall always and every where and under all circumstances think with gratitude of the happy hours, which I owe you. Believe me that there are few days, and certainly none of the pleasant ones, when I do not repeat by myself the thanks, which I could never express to you, and feel how happy I was to have known you and to have met with so much friendship from you. Your music is then present to my mind, and when I play or sing that d# in Yaratilda, I may fancy myself sitting at your piano on the round chair at Norwood, and think I saw George looking into the book from behind, and hear you hum the melody of it. But I hope to enjoy that pleasure once more, and perhaps already this spring. There is a favour I wanted to ask from you; I am about to publish some études and fugues, and is I think some of them better than other things which I composed I wished you would allow me to dedicate them to you. It is the custom in this country (I do not know whether in yours too) to ask for the permission of doing so, else I should have sent them all at once to you without talking of it before. I am writing busily the last part of my Oratorium, St Paulus, which I hope to finish in the course of the next months and the composition of which affords me so much pleasure that I should be quite satisfied if it gave but a little part of that pleasure to others. Had you been busy composing since my last visit to England; Mr. Klingemann writes me sometimes of your good health and spirits, but without giving more details of your life, your family, your compositions &c I know very well that my silence does not entitle me to hope for direct news from you, but if you do not write pray tell Mr. Klingemann all of you, and Mrs. Attwood, and the family tell him how Miss Carolines harp goes on, and how George is improving as a performer on the piano; believe me that I shall never think of any hours with greater pleasure than of those at Norwood, and let me hope that you may think sometimes and with kindness of me. I shall always be yours truly Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Düsseldorf 11th Jan. 1835.
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../fmbc_framework/xsd/fmb-c.xsd" xml:id="fmb-1835-01-11-01" xml:space="default"> <teiHeader xml:lang="de"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title key="fmb-1835-01-11-01" xml:id="title_3246602d-3de7-4296-82f9-3c38976a4249">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Chelsea<lb></lb> Düsseldorf, 11. Januar 1835</title> <title level="s" type="incipit" xml:id="title_d16ad652-4a93-4b2f-9a76-f86a5f02c745">I take the liberty of sending to you two Fugues for the Organ which I composed lately, and arranged them as a Duet for two performers , as I think you told me once that</title> <title level="s" type="sub" xml:id="title_5c5158e8-d150-498a-a3b0-6b3c05838703">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C)</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="precursor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="successor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <author key="PSN0000001">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</author><respStmt><resp resp="writer"></resp><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName></respStmt><respStmt resp="transcription"> <resp resp="transcription">Transkription: </resp> <name resp="transcription">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> <respStmt resp="edition"> <resp resp="edition">Edition: </resp> <name resp="edition">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher> <address> <street>Am Kupfergraben 5</street> <placeName> <settlement>10117 Berlin</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </address> <idno type="URI"></idno> <availability> <licence target="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</licence> </availability> <idno type="MSB">Bd. 4, 1068. </idno> </publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <p>Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)</p> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_manuscript" xml:id="sourceDesc_7e54e051-392c-46a7-86f9-69fd860665c6"> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>USA</country> <settlement>Washington, DC</settlement> <institution key="RISM">US-Wc</institution> <repository>Washington, DC, The Library of Congress, Music Division</repository> <collection>Whittall Collection</collection> <idno type="signatur">Box 2, folder 1.</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <idno type="autograph">Autograph</idno> <title key="fmb-1835-01-11-01" type="letter" xml:id="title_38e3ac77-6dc6-4e8e-9dce-43bc66944d08">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Chelsea; Düsseldorf, 11. Januar 1835</title> <incipit>I take the liberty of sending to you two Fugues for the Organ which I composed lately, and arranged them as a Duet for two performers , as I think you told me once that</incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>4 beschr. S.; Adresse. – Dieser Brief ist wahrscheinlich dem Brief Nr. 1069 (vgl. Kommentar zu diesem Brief, Z. 33•••) beigelegt gewesen, was auch das Fehlen von Poststempeln plausibel macht. Der Brief ist vollständig in lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben.</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl> </accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance><p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><projectDesc><p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.</p></projectDesc><editorialDecl><p>Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.</p></editorialDecl></encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation> <date cert="high" when="1835-01-11" xml:id="date_6d9d2d00-b032-4b23-9384-5e54cecbe13d">11. Januar 1835</date> </creation> <correspDesc> <correspAction type="sent"> <persName key="PSN0000001" resp="author" xml:id="persName_1b68575d-d0a2-4cd3-9c1a-2c02b584a654">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName><note>counter-reset</note><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName> <placeName type="writing_place" xml:id="placeName_1f6eea5f-ac09-4f11-8ee4-e17e09428ade"> <settlement key="STM0100109">Düsseldorf</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </correspAction> <correspAction type="received"> <persName key="PSN0109576" resp="receiver" xml:id="persName_428808a3-8016-4582-8441-99b82d9adc58">Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)</persName> <placeName type="receiving_place" xml:id="placeName_faa41697-e581-462f-bf10-b59f0da9c649"> <settlement key="STM0100374">Chelsea</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country> </placeName> </correspAction> </correspDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="en">englisch</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc status="draft"> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="letter"> <body> <div type="address" xml:id="div_365346cd-ce31-4b43-820a-e63fd819a257"> <head> <address> <addrLine>To</addrLine> <addrLine>T. Attwood</addrLine> <addrLine>Esqur.</addrLine> </address> </head> </div> <div n="1" type="act_of_writing" xml:id="div_71f82471-be7d-4b35-a6b7-220d395860b5"> <docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="author" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor> <docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="writer" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor> <salute rend="left">My dear Mr. Attwood</salute> <p style="paragraph_without_indent">I take the liberty of sending to you two Fugues for the Organ which I composed lately, and arranged them as a <title xml:id="title_774661b8-11b9-4702-b253-47d99817baf0">Duet for two performers<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_2wvx0l2l-zema-8q6w-jah1-hauabgu2aopg"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="organ_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="organ_works_for_two_players" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100513" style="hidden">Two Fugues, 11. Januar 1835<idno type="MWV">V 1</idno><idno type="op"></idno></name></title>, as I think you told me once that you wanted something in that way. The subject of the <title xml:id="title_2d7bba41-d4cf-464d-b87f-74fea21e21de">first Fugue<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_g9t0qmrk-lawu-gbdt-ifor-jutdzuek9cjt"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="organ_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="organ_works_for_two_players" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100513" style="hidden">Two Fugues, 11. Januar 1835<idno type="MWV">V 1</idno><idno type="op"></idno></name></title> is one which I play’d extempore one morning on your magnificent organ at S<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> Paul’s and which occurred again to my memory, when I thought of the pleasures which I enjoy’d there so often by your kindness and friendship for me. I ought to have written to you since long, but I am not able to write a good English letter, and as I have nothing of any interest to tell of the things around me, I preferred waiting for an opportunity of sending you some music, which might tell you better, than I can do it, that I shall always and every where and under all circumstances think with gratitude of the happy hours, which I owe you. Believe me that there are few days, and certainly none of the pleasant ones, when I do not repeat by myself the thanks, which I could never express to you, and feel how happy I was to have known you and to have met with so much friendship from you. Your music is then present to my mind, and when I play or sing that d# in <title xml:id="title_fced0d4b-a186-4afe-b4d5-cf182787c0e2">Yaratilda<name key="PSN0109576" style="hidden" type="author">Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)</name><name key="CRT0107667" style="hidden" type="music">Maraton and Yaratilda</name></title>, I may fancy myself sitting at your piano on the round chair at <placeName xml:id="placeName_23149d28-6850-435a-94fe-692b8f7a88e9">Norwood<settlement key="STM0100326" style="hidden" type="locality">Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey</settlement><country style="hidden">Großbritannien</country></placeName>, and think I saw <persName xml:id="persName_1cfa0f44-3370-4b87-a44e-a10031f0c295">George<name key="PSN0109574" style="hidden">Attwood, George (1795-1884)</name></persName> looking into the book from behind, and hear you hum the melody of it. But I hope to enjoy that pleasure once more, and perhaps already this spring.</p> <p>There is a favour I wanted to ask from you; I am about to publish <title xml:id="title_7afc059b-5c8f-4a73-9615-0a60f780067e">some études and fugues<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_onwoj3ul-jij8-2it2-fwjj-nhncw5v7l8pr"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="collective_sources" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="collective_prints" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100630" style="hidden">Sechs Präludien und Fugen für Klavier, 1837; enthält MWV U 116 und U 66, U 129 und U 105, U 131 und U 91, U 122 und U 108, U 126 und U 106, U 135 und U 128<idno type="MWV">SD 14</idno><idno type="op">35</idno></name></title>, and is I think some of them better than other things which I composed I wished you would allow me to dedicate them to you. It is the custom in this country (I do not know whether in yours too) to ask for the permission of doing so, else I should have sent them all at once to you without talking of it before. I am writing busily the last part of my Oratorium, S<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> <title xml:id="title_09ed0f93-97e0-43a7-b9ef-effb4a2be36f">Paulus<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_qyfvhxpw-wjwv-r8xn-51y4-bvxelygmppof"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="vocal_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="sacred_vocal_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="large-scale_sacred_vocal_works" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100114" style="hidden">Paulus / St. Paul, Oratorium nach Worten der Heiligen Schrift für Solostimmen, gemischten Chor, Orchester und Orgel, [1832] bis 18. April 1836<idno type="MWV">A 14</idno><idno type="op">36</idno></name></title>, which I hope to finish in the course of the next months and the composition of which affords me so much pleasure that I should be quite satisfied if it gave but a little part of that pleasure to others. Had you been busy composing since my last visit to England; <persName xml:id="persName_6b4364a4-38de-4faa-b2dd-5b27e8a07492">Mr. Klingemann<name key="PSN0112434" style="hidden">Klingemann, Ernst Georg Carl Christoph Konrad (1798-1862)</name></persName> writes me sometimes of your good health and spirits, but without giving more details of your life, <persName xml:id="persName_b0908762-fc00-424b-815d-5111b97caccd">your family<name key="PSN0109571" style="hidden">Attwood, Familie von → Thomas A.</name></persName>, your compositions &c I know very well that my silence does not entitle me to hope for direct news from you, but if you do not write pray tell <persName xml:id="persName_e2be4e1b-74d0-4dfe-ab91-f81b4b794fc6">Mr. Klingemann<name key="PSN0112434" style="hidden">Klingemann, Ernst Georg Carl Christoph Konrad (1798-1862)</name></persName> all of you, and <persName xml:id="persName_6a0ccf53-1f86-494a-8032-c9fac0318cfd">Mrs. Attwood<name key="PSN0109575" style="hidden">Attwood, Mary Ann (1775-1859)</name></persName>, and the family tell him how <persName xml:id="persName_b2becb5d-18cc-45d9-97d0-e4550be1a7e3">Miss Carolines<name key="PSN0109573" style="hidden">Attwood, Caroline Eliza (1796-1889)</name></persName> harp goes on, and how <persName xml:id="persName_0ad7bb3d-a91d-4dc7-be58-3a50f0b73e37">George<name key="PSN0109574" style="hidden">Attwood, George (1795-1884)</name></persName> is improving as a performer on the piano; believe me that I shall <hi rend="underline">never</hi> think of any hours with greater pleasure than of those at <placeName xml:id="placeName_03143957-56e6-431c-92be-2bcc3bacc28d">Norwood<settlement key="STM0100326" style="hidden" type="locality">Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey</settlement><country style="hidden">Großbritannien</country></placeName>, and <seg type="closer" xml:id="seg_c049cd95-9437-440c-a352-239ad617d4b1">let me hope that you may think sometimes and with kindness of me. I shall always be</seg></p> <signed rend="right">yours truly</signed> <signed rend="right">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</signed> <dateline rend="left">Düsseldorf <date cert="high" when="1835-01-11" xml:id="date_f98c5968-b9bd-4870-8ea9-371515b15746">11<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Jan. 1835</date>.</dateline> </div> </body> </text></TEI>