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Düsseldorf, 21. Mai 1834
Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.
Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.
[…] On the first day of my illness
We had in some respects, exactly the same inclinations; he loved
… On the first day of my illness Mr. Klingemann, our mutual friend, sent straight to him, & although I lived in St. James’ and he in Finsbury Circus, he came at once and calmed and gladdened me by his pleasant, steady bearing. He continued to visit me twice a day so long as there was any danger, and his mere presence was always my greatest comfort … I always felt easier when I heard him knock at the door. He got the better of the obstinate illness which kept recurring, and after a few weeks was able to promise me a speedy recovery. He did not allow my impatience to agree with the exaggerated hopes of some of the English doctors, or the fears and evil forebodings of others, but went on his way calmly, trusting his own convictions and medical penetration; he inspired me with the greatest respect for his knowledge … We had in some respects, exactly the same inclinations; he loved Jean Paul and would repeat some of his things by heart … He enjoyed my music, and I often had to play to him and was delighted when he picked out the very pieces which seemed to me to be the best. …
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../fmbc_framework/xsd/fmb-c.xsd" xml:id="fmb-1834-05-21-01" xml:space="default"> <teiHeader xml:lang="de"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title key="fmb-1834-05-21-01" xml:id="title_293cee02-ecc6-40a9-a8fc-53f6c27ca98e">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Moritz Kind in Leipzig <lb></lb>Düsseldorf, 21. Mai 1834</title> <title level="s" type="incipit" xml:id="title_351857c8-1933-4e36-8848-cf52701a08dd">… On the first day of my illness Mr. Klingemann, our mutual friend, sent straight to him, & although I lived in St. James’ and he in Finsbury Circus, he came at once and calmed</title> <title level="s" type="sub" xml:id="title_6f9d7085-6559-4cc2-9864-02f2e09acf96">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C)</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="precursor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="successor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <author key="PSN0000001">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</author><respStmt><resp resp="writer"></resp><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName></respStmt><respStmt resp="transcription"> <resp resp="transcription">Transkription: </resp> <name resp="transcription">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> <respStmt resp="edition"> <resp resp="edition">Edition: </resp> <name resp="edition">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher> <address> <street>Am Kupfergraben 5</street> <placeName> <settlement>10117 Berlin</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </address> <idno type="URI"></idno> <availability> <licence target="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</licence> </availability> <idno type="MSB">Bd. 3, 939</idno></publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <p>Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)</p> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_printout" xml:id="sourceDesc_56bc3cf9-a9a4-4631-a8b5-969d41c5f550"> <bibl type="printed_letter">Maggs Bros., London, Katalog 459 (1924), Nr. 480 (engl. Übersetzung). – 3 S., Adresse.</bibl> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>-</country> <settlement>-</settlement> <institution key="RISM">-</institution> <repository>-</repository> <collection>-</collection> <idno type="signatur">-</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <title key="fmb-1834-05-21-01" type="letter" xml:id="title_066d74aa-1eb1-4ba5-be2b-541a42cf176a">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Moritz Kind in Leipzig; Düsseldorf, 21. Mai 1834</title> <incipit>[…] On the first day of my illness Mr. Klingemann, our mutual friend, sent straight to him, & although I lived in St. James’ and he in Finsbury Circus, he came at once and calmed and gladdened me by his pleasant, steady bearing. </incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>-</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl> </accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance> <p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><projectDesc><p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.</p></projectDesc><editorialDecl><p>Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.</p></editorialDecl></encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation> <date cert="high" when="1834-05-21" xml:id="date_43443260-2adb-4026-9795-b196297d904b">21. Mai 1834</date></creation> <correspDesc> <correspAction type="sent"> <persName key="PSN0000001" resp="author" xml:id="persName_27c49606-3863-4da9-a77c-3d18201f8856">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName><note>counter-reset</note><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName> <placeName type="writing_place" xml:id="placeName_3c9aae06-32ea-4a5b-b548-13ae3b65df83"> <settlement key="STM0100109">Düsseldorf</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country></placeName></correspAction> <correspAction type="received"> <persName key="PSN0112380" resp="receiver" xml:id="persName_acd6a4f3-8565-4486-9f38-1cbe7b85576b">Kind, Moritz (1792-1846)</persName> <placeName type="receiving_place" xml:id="placeName_accfe70c-2e21-4242-8f7d-904170db4697"> <settlement key="STM0100116">Leipzig</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName></correspAction> </correspDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="en">englisch</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc status="draft"> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="letter"> <body> <div type="address" xml:id="div_216450d6-c64a-4e28-95fb-d0c328ef4424"> <head> <address> <addrLine>To Dr. Moritz Kind of Leipzig.</addrLine> </address> </head> </div> <div n="1" type="act_of_writing" xml:id="div_bd8b41c2-5afb-4d4a-b4d3-19e3d54fc64a"><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="author" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="writer" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><p style="paragraph_without_indent">[…] On the first day of my illness <persName xml:id="persName_3b8f6503-a593-44db-ab1f-14d7dce72a45">Mr. Klingemann<name key="PSN0112434" style="hidden">Klingemann, Ernst Georg Carl Christoph Konrad (1798-1862)</name></persName>, our mutual friend, sent straight to <persName xml:id="persName_30b88da1-1a9d-4b9c-aed8-b32d4b3d898b">him<name key="PSN0112378" style="hidden">Kind, Carl Maximilian (1801-1831)</name></persName>, & although I lived in St. James’ and he in Finsbury Circus, he came at once and calmed and gladdened me by his pleasant, steady bearing. He continued to visit me twice a day so long as there was any danger, and his mere presence was always my greatest comfort […] I always felt easier when I heard him knock at the door. He got the better of the obstinate illness which kept recurring, and after a few weeks was able to promise me a speedy recovery. He did not allow my impatience to agree with the exaggerated hopes of some of the English doctors, or the fears and evil forebodings of others, but went on his way calmly, trusting his own convictions and medical penetration; he inspired me with the greatest respect for his knowledge […]</p><p>We had in some respects, exactly the same inclinations; he loved <persName xml:id="persName_749e27e7-3934-412e-af50-048b7540b79e">Jean Paul<name key="PSN0114173" style="hidden">Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich (Pseud.: Jean Paul) (1763-1825)</name></persName> and would repeat some of his things by heart […] <persName xml:id="persName_3ae53f35-c98c-4df7-b59b-0a586ea35d58">He<name key="PSN0112378" style="hidden">Kind, Carl Maximilian (1801-1831)</name></persName> enjoyed my music, and I often had to play to <persName xml:id="persName_e4e150a9-aaf9-42b8-b9ed-8d9855a12ca6">him<name key="PSN0112378" style="hidden">Kind, Carl Maximilian (1801-1831)</name></persName> and was delighted when he picked out the very pieces which seemed to me to be the best. […]</p></div></body> </text></TEI>