]> Brief: fmb-1833-07-23-02


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Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey <lb></lb>London, 23. Juli 1833 Thank you for the music which you most kindly & punctually sent to Mr Harvey for me, & which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C) noch nicht ermittelt noch nicht ermittelt Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) Transkription: FMB-C Edition: FMB-C Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Am Kupfergraben 5 10117 Berlin Deutschland
http://www.mendelssohn-online.com Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Bd. 3, 760

Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)

USA New York, NY US-NYp New York, NY, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, Music Division Whittall Collection Box 1, folder 28. Autograph Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey; London, 23. Juli 1833 Thank you for the music which you most kindly & punctually sent to Mr Harvey for me, & which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which

3 beschr. S.; Adresse, Adresse von fremder Hand geändert in: »Albert Attwood / Pax Office / Somerset House // Changed 3d At (?)«, mehrere Poststempel.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy


Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.

Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.

23. Juli 1833 Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)counter-resetMendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) London Großbritannien Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838) Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey Großbritannien deutsch
T. Attwood Esqu. Beggin Hill Norwood. Surrey.
Albert Attwood / Pax Office / Somerset House / Changed 3d At (?)
Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)103 Gt Portland StJuly 23My dear Mr. Attwood

Thank you for the music which you most kindly & punctually sent to Mr HarveyHarvey, Joseph (1764-1841) for me, & which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which you sent, another Organ-Piece<name key="PSN0109617" style="hidden" type="author">Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)</name><name key="CRT0107856" style="hidden" type="music">Orgelstück c-Moll</name> of Seb. Bach (in c minor) and a Praeludium<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_cmkaop4j-jkes-jylw-0klq-04l51rsdimch"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="organ_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="organ_works_for_one_player" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100515" style="hidden">Orgelstück für Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdys Hochzeit A-Dur, [August / September 1829]<idno type="MWV">W 10</idno><idno type="op"></idno></name> for the Organ of mine (in a) dedicated (in German) to my sisterHensel, Fanny Cäcilia (1805-1847)? I always thought so & should be very glad if really you had them and would be kind enough to send them over to me before your departure, as they do not belong to me and are to be taken back to Berlin by my fatherMendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Abraham Ernst (bis 1822: Abraham Moses) (1776-1835).

And pray let me know what the name of the church is in which Mr. CooperCooper, George (?-1843) asked me to play the OrganSt. Sepulchre-without-Newgate (Holborn)LondonGroßbritannien on Friday, he forgot to mention it to me; & I dare say you will know it as he is the OrganistCooper, George (?-1843) of it.

Now if I should not see you before your leaving Norwood, let me wish you for your journey every benefit and pleasure & a happy and healthy stay, and I hope to see you there & to enjoy it if you do. This is bad English, but never mind the words.Yours alwaysFelix Mendelssohn B.
            103 Gt Portland StJuly 23My dear Mr. Attwood
Thank you for the music which you most kindly & punctually sent to Mr Harvey for me, & which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which you sent, another Organ-Piece of Seb. Bach (in c minor) and a Praeludium for the Organ of mine (in a) dedicated (in German) to my sister? I always thought so & should be very glad if really you had them and would be kind enough to send them over to me before your departure, as they do not belong to me and are to be taken back to Berlin by my father.
And pray let me know what the name of the church is in which Mr. Cooper asked me to play the Organ on Friday, he forgot to mention it to me; & I dare say you will know it as he is the Organist of it.
Now if I should not see you before your leaving Norwood, let me wish you for your journey every benefit and pleasure & a happy and healthy stay, and I hope to see you there & to enjoy it if you do. This is bad English, but never mind the words. Yours always
Felix Mendelssohn B.          
            <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 ../../../fmbc_framework/xsd/fmb-c.xsd" xml:id="fmb-1833-07-23-02" xml:space="default"> <teiHeader xml:lang="de"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title key="fmb-1833-07-23-02" xml:id="title_8e3672c5-319c-409e-8fdb-0099c71ca46d">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey <lb></lb>London, 23. Juli 1833</title> <title level="s" type="incipit" xml:id="title_8e8c9994-0532-403a-8a33-98941130846b">Thank you for the music which you most kindly &amp; punctually sent to Mr Harvey for me, &amp; which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which</title> <title level="s" type="sub" xml:id="title_e8780ef5-cef4-47fe-b166-31c64b81b57d">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C)</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="precursor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="successor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <author key="PSN0000001">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</author><respStmt><resp resp="writer"></resp><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName></respStmt><respStmt resp="transcription"> <resp resp="transcription">Transkription: </resp> <name resp="transcription">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> <respStmt resp="edition"> <resp resp="edition">Edition: </resp> <name resp="edition">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher> <address> <street>Am Kupfergraben 5</street> <placeName> <settlement>10117 Berlin</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </address> <idno type="URI">http://www.mendelssohn-online.com</idno> <availability> <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</licence> </availability> <idno type="MSB">Bd. 3, 760</idno></publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <p>Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)</p> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_manuscript" xml:id="sourceDesc_649b6d32-d5d1-478b-9cd2-b7648e71623f"> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>USA</country> <settlement>New York, NY</settlement> <institution key="RISM">US-NYp</institution> <repository>New York, NY, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, Music Division</repository> <collection>Whittall Collection</collection> <idno type="signatur">Box 1, folder 28.</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <idno type="autograph">Autograph</idno> <title key="fmb-1833-07-23-02" type="letter" xml:id="title_0baecc1e-0491-4cd2-88e9-1648bc725bd4">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Thomas Attwood in Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey; London, 23. Juli 1833</title> <incipit>Thank you for the music which you most kindly &amp; punctually sent to Mr Harvey for me, &amp; which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which</incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>3 beschr. S.; Adresse, Adresse von fremder Hand geändert in: »Albert Attwood / Pax Office / Somerset House // Changed 3d At (?)«, mehrere Poststempel.</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl> </accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance> <p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><projectDesc><p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.</p></projectDesc><editorialDecl><p>Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept,  Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.</p></editorialDecl></encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation> <date cert="high" when="1833-07-23" xml:id="date_208249c3-554a-4d7e-9dc3-9d069a9fe440">23. Juli 1833</date></creation> <correspDesc> <correspAction type="sent"> <persName key="PSN0000001" resp="author" xml:id="persName_0849331c-d1f5-4bc4-994f-c6f20a5e34c3">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName><note>counter-reset</note><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName> <placeName type="writing_place" xml:id="placeName_445fb085-d474-4e7d-b314-391ba43077ec"> <settlement key="STM0100126">London</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country></placeName></correspAction> <correspAction type="received"> <persName key="PSN0109576" resp="receiver" xml:id="persName_25edbf71-9567-4149-a515-4e4ef28278c6">Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)</persName> <placeName type="receiving_place" xml:id="placeName_861360d9-0359-4e72-87eb-eebbf3df88fb"> <settlement key="STM0100326">Biggin Hill, Norwood Surrey</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country> </placeName></correspAction> </correspDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="de">deutsch</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc status="draft">  </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="letter"> <body> <div type="address" xml:id="div_32107bb4-3105-459d-9da5-cb128ec5abe1"> <head> <address> <addrLine>T. Attwood</addrLine> <addrLine>Esqu.</addrLine> <addrLine><del cert="high" rend="strikethrough" xml:id="del_efe59ab8-ab55-4bd6-9ece-beb5a563a8ee">Beggin Hill</del></addrLine> <addrLine><del cert="high" rend="strikethrough" xml:id="del_a8ccb136-e6df-4f7e-803a-2bbebcc7fe3b">Norwood.</del></addrLine> <addrLine><del cert="high" rend="strikethrough" xml:id="del_29cb0fc9-9465-44b2-b4cb-41b428628860">Surrey.</del></addrLine> </address> </head> </div> <div type="annotation" xml:id="div_287da538-73e1-4a50-8ae5-aa295ad3968a"> <note type="other-third-party-annotation" xml:id="note_ce073d0a-9d02-4844-9678-fb50075b9ab7">Albert Attwood / Pax Office / Somerset House / Changed 3<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> At (?)</note> </div> <div n="1" type="act_of_writing" xml:id="div_d0aa0288-3a53-4cb4-a51a-01f4c4e470a1"><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="author" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="writer" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><dateline rend="right">103 G<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> Portland S<hi rend="superscript">t</hi></dateline><dateline rend="right"><date cert="high" when="1833-07-23" xml:id="date_37775749-d139-4886-bca7-196756171441">July 23</date></dateline><salute rend="left">My dear Mr. Attwood</salute><p style="paragraph_without_indent">Thank you for the music which you most kindly &amp; punctually sent to <persName xml:id="persName_601c9ef6-118d-46ee-b4d0-0b4e8ff8cb53">Mr Harvey<name key="PSN0111742" style="hidden">Harvey, Joseph (1764-1841)</name></persName> for me, &amp; which I shall return to-morrow; but pray did I not leave at Norwood besides the pieces which you sent, <title xml:id="title_fa788f56-e61d-440a-b6ef-eb3ec1dfc109">another Organ-Piece<name key="PSN0109617" style="hidden" type="author">Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)</name><name key="CRT0107856" style="hidden" type="music">Orgelstück c-Moll</name></title> of Seb. Bach (in c minor) and a <title xml:id="title_58661c27-3e54-49f5-b7d3-83923f981595">Praeludium<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_cmkaop4j-jkes-jylw-0klq-04l51rsdimch"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="organ_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="organ_works_for_one_player" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100515" style="hidden">Orgelstück für Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdys Hochzeit A-Dur, [August / September 1829]<idno type="MWV">W 10</idno><idno type="op"></idno></name></title> for the Organ of mine (in a) dedicated (in German) to <persName xml:id="persName_49d55896-c336-4407-b0b9-5eba7eff1a53">my sister<name key="PSN0111893" style="hidden">Hensel, Fanny Cäcilia (1805-1847)</name></persName>? I always thought so &amp; should be very glad if really you had them and would be kind enough to send them over to me before your departure, as they do not belong to me and are to be taken back to Berlin by <persName xml:id="persName_95697506-c070-4db9-96f0-587daeb07cf9">my father<name key="PSN0113247" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Abraham Ernst (bis 1822: Abraham Moses) (1776-1835)</name></persName>.</p><p>And pray let me know what the name of the church is in which <persName xml:id="persName_ba1877a9-0199-4eaa-97ac-ae3f5b9d1b5e">Mr. Cooper<name key="PSN0110455" style="hidden">Cooper, George (?-1843)</name></persName> asked me to play the <placeName xml:id="placeName_9083f3b3-d162-4291-9d1d-532cd6925c1f">Organ<name key="SGH0100432" style="hidden" subtype="" type="sight">St. Sepulchre-without-Newgate (Holborn)</name><settlement key="STM0100126" style="hidden" type="">London</settlement><country style="hidden">Großbritannien</country></placeName> on Friday, he forgot to mention it to me; &amp; I dare say you will know it as he is the <persName xml:id="persName_bbcb2321-c7de-49d5-8cff-5f6a6a2ea5ee">Organist<name key="PSN0110455" style="hidden">Cooper, George (?-1843)</name></persName> of it.</p><closer rend="left" xml:id="closer_ca3ea3cf-1ec4-41b5-95d6-c13570e0ba87">Now if I should not see you before your leaving Norwood, let me wish you for your journey every benefit and pleasure &amp; a happy and healthy stay, and I hope to see you there &amp; to enjoy it if you do. This is bad English, but never mind the words.</closer><signed rend="right">Yours always</signed><signed rend="right">Felix Mendelssohn B.</signed></div></body> </text></TEI>