]> Brief: fmb-1832-06-19-01


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Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington <lb></lb>London, 19. Juni 1832 I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’s beautifull presents. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C) noch nicht ermittelt noch nicht ermittelt Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) Transkription: FMB-C Edition: FMB-C Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Am Kupfergraben 5 10117 Berlin Deutschland
http://www.mendelssohn-online.com Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Bd. 2, 573

Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)

Christie’s, London, Auktion 22. November 2002, Nr. 28 (Faksimile der ersten Seite) - - - - - - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington; London, 19. Juni 1832 I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’s beautifull presents. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows what a pleasure and how great a treat

3 beschr. S. mit Adresse.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy


Ab Z. 10 (»I beg you will excuse«) nach John Wilson Manuscripts, Cheltenham, Nr. 20.507, Internetseite (31. März 2009): http://manuscripts.co.uk/stock/20507.HTM (Faksimile der zweiten Seite). - - - - - - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington; London, 19. Juni 1832 I beg you will excuse my bad letter for this reason and allow me to come to-morrow as early as I can get off from a musical party, to which I must go.


Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy


Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.

Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.

19. Juni 1832 Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)counter-resetMendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) London Großbritannien Horsley, Elizabeth Hutchins (1793-1875) Kensington Großbritannien englisch
Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)103 Gt Portland Street June 19th 32.My dear Madam

I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’sHorsley, William (1774-1858) beautifull presents<name key="PSN0112109" style="hidden" type="author">Horsley, William (1774-1858)</name><name key="CRT0109374" style="hidden" type="music">Kanons</name>. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows what a pleasure and how great a treat I am to receive by his music and how proud I feel to be honoured by him with such a present as this is. I hope to be more able to express my thanks to him to-morrow, than I am to-day, as a bad headache does not allow me to think of what I want to say. I beg you will excuse my bad letter for this reason and allow me to come to-morrow as early as I can get off from a musical party, to which I must go.

I received a letter from my motherMendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Lea Felicia Pauline (1777-1842) & sistersHensel, Fanny Cäcilia (1805-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Rebecka Henriette (1811-1858), who ask me to present to you & your familyHorsley, Familie von → William H.Horsley, Mary Elizabeth (1813-1881)Horsley, Sophia Hutchins (Sophy) (1819-1894)Horsley, Frances Arabella (Fanny) (1815-1849)Horsley, John Callcott (1817-1903)Horsley, Elizabeth Hutchins (1793-1875) their thanks for all the kindnesses, which they know you show me and who are not at all angry with me for my two last letters. I am, dear Madam

very truly yoursFelix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.
            103 Gt Portland Street June 19th 32. My dear Madam
I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’s beautifull presents. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows what a pleasure and how great a treat I am to receive by his music and how proud I feel to be honoured by him with such a present as this is. I hope to be more able to express my thanks to him to-morrow, than I am to-day, as a bad headache does not allow me to think of what I want to say. I beg you will excuse my bad letter for this reason and allow me to come to-morrow as early as I can get off from a musical party, to which I must go.
I received a letter from my mother & sisters, who ask me to present to you & your family their thanks for all the kindnesses, which they know you show me and who are not at all angry with me for my two last letters. I am, dear Madam
very truly yoursFelix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.          
            <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 ../../../fmbc_framework/xsd/fmb-c.xsd" xml:id="fmb-1832-06-19-01" xml:space="default"> <teiHeader xml:lang="de"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title key="fmb-1832-06-19-01" xml:id="title_8cb1c5f5-0e2f-401f-b349-21c2d3e3d1bd">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington <lb></lb>London, 19. Juni 1832</title> <title level="s" type="incipit" xml:id="title_cdeef295-51e2-4fb7-a69e-56ccf857947e">I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’s beautifull presents. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows</title> <title level="s" type="sub" xml:id="title_0361547c-be65-48ff-8bad-0a72de7007e2">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C)</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="precursor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="successor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <author key="PSN0000001">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</author><respStmt><resp resp="writer"></resp><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName></respStmt><respStmt resp="transcription"> <resp resp="transcription">Transkription: </resp> <name resp="transcription">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> <respStmt resp="edition"> <resp resp="edition">Edition: </resp> <name resp="edition">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher> <address> <street>Am Kupfergraben 5</street> <placeName> <settlement>10117 Berlin</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </address> <idno type="URI">http://www.mendelssohn-online.com</idno> <availability> <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</licence> </availability> <idno type="MSB">Bd. 2, 573</idno></publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <p>Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)</p> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_printout" xml:id="sourceDesc_98e7058a-2990-4a89-92ff-6c66a6e6ae12"> <bibl type="Faksimile-Druck">Christie’s, London, Auktion 22. November 2002, Nr. 28 (Faksimile der ersten Seite)</bibl> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>-</country> <settlement>-</settlement> <institution key="RISM">-</institution> <repository>-</repository> <collection>-</collection> <idno type="signatur">-</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <title key="fmb-1832-06-19-01" type="letter" xml:id="title_246b9933-b363-40e6-a24e-ec1bdf78d809">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington; London, 19. Juni 1832</title> <incipit>I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today Mr. Horsley’s beautifull presents. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows what a pleasure and how great a treat </incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>3 beschr. S. mit Adresse.</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl></accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance> <p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_printout" xml:id="sourceDesc_4db6342e-0534-4de8-9fe0-5ca4a8f63235"> <bibl type="Faksimile-Druck">Ab Z. 10 (»I beg you will excuse«) nach John Wilson Manuscripts, Cheltenham, Nr. 20.507, Internetseite (31. März 2009): http://manuscripts.co.uk/stock/20507.HTM (Faksimile der zweiten Seite).</bibl> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>-</country> <settlement>-</settlement> <institution key="RISM">-</institution> <repository>-</repository> <collection>-</collection> <idno type="signatur">-</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <title key="fmb-1832-06-19-01" type="letter" xml:id="title_195da80a-c3b1-4cea-9aa5-7a4e98a80910">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Elizabeth Horsley in Kensington; London, 19. Juni 1832</title> <incipit>I beg you will excuse my bad letter for this reason and allow me to come to-morrow as early as I can get off from a musical party, to which I must go.</incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>-</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl></accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance> <p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><projectDesc><p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.</p></projectDesc><editorialDecl><p>Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept,  Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.</p></editorialDecl></encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation> <date cert="high" when="1832-06-19" xml:id="date_2fa67f2d-e4e8-47ee-afe9-f509ea137b3f">19. Juni 1832</date></creation> <correspDesc> <correspAction type="sent"> <persName key="PSN0000001" resp="author" xml:id="persName_8bd1d330-8a3f-419e-84d0-c97dc8d4ed70">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName><note>counter-reset</note><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName> <placeName type="writing_place" xml:id="placeName_190999f2-9d6b-4a42-b945-ca623177ff1b"> <settlement key="STM0100126">London</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country></placeName></correspAction> <correspAction type="received"> <persName key="PSN0112103" resp="receiver" xml:id="persName_087513c9-3741-46d9-8b7d-caafe35fcf57">Horsley, Elizabeth Hutchins (1793-1875)</persName> <placeName type="receiving_place" xml:id="placeName_8c773bc6-3238-4805-90a6-51f10a2eda6d"> <settlement key="STM0100184">Kensington</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country> </placeName></correspAction> </correspDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="en">englisch</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc status="draft">  </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="letter"> <body> <div n="1" type="act_of_writing" xml:id="div_5a387dfb-2ba8-4351-b395-b68b44c05c88"><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="author" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="writer" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><dateline rend="right">103 G<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> Portland Street </dateline><dateline rend="right"><date cert="high" when="1832-06-19" xml:id="date_71f3a50c-a953-4aa9-aa7d-955fe77675f1">June 19<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> 32</date>.</dateline><salute rend="left">My dear Madam</salute><p style="paragraph_without_indent">I cannot wait till to-morrow expressing my thanks for your kind attention to send me today <persName xml:id="persName_f634d08e-0985-4bfa-b80c-bc9aeb58b0ff">Mr. Horsley’s<name key="PSN0112109" style="hidden">Horsley, William (1774-1858)</name></persName> <title xml:id="title_1bda6bd0-8bb7-441e-84d6-ed2c0fe104f1">beautifull presents<name key="PSN0112109" style="hidden" type="author">Horsley, William (1774-1858)</name><name key="CRT0109374" style="hidden" type="music">Kanons</name></title>. I need not tell how indepted I feel to him for it, as he knows what a pleasure and how great a treat I am to receive by his music and how proud I feel to be honoured by him with such a present as this is. I hope to be more able to express my thanks to him to-morrow, than I am to-day, as a bad headache does not allow me to think of what I want to say. I beg you will excuse my bad letter for this reason and allow me to come to-morrow as early as I can get off from a musical party, to which I must go.</p><p>I received a letter from my <persName xml:id="persName_7d826c8c-b53a-4ac9-a4a6-d70352abeba5">mother<name key="PSN0113260" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Lea Felicia Pauline (1777-1842)</name></persName> &amp; <persName xml:id="persName_210205f2-3013-4ec6-98d7-a6ccbe267bf9">sisters<name key="PSN0111893" style="hidden">Hensel, Fanny Cäcilia (1805-1847)</name><name key="PSN0117586" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Rebecka Henriette (1811-1858)</name></persName>, who ask me to present to you &amp; <persName xml:id="persName_95daf788-a205-4f0c-90f3-2789559dc2b6">your family<name key="PSN0112100" style="hidden">Horsley, Familie von → William H.</name><name key="PSN0112107" style="hidden">Horsley, Mary Elizabeth (1813-1881)</name><name key="PSN0112108" style="hidden">Horsley, Sophia Hutchins (Sophy) (1819-1894)</name><name key="PSN0112105" style="hidden">Horsley, Frances Arabella (Fanny) (1815-1849)</name><name key="PSN0112106" style="hidden">Horsley, John Callcott (1817-1903)</name><name key="PSN0112103" style="hidden">Horsley, Elizabeth Hutchins (1793-1875)</name></persName> their thanks for all the kindnesses, which they know you show me and who are not at all angry with me for my two last letters. <seg type="closer" xml:id="seg_09f217e6-ffcf-4066-852e-592b3880026c">I am, dear Madam</seg> </p><closer rend="right" xml:id="closer_314226dc-b1cf-4c43-9995-30ee64f8575d">very truly yours</closer><signed rend="right">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.</signed></div></body> </text></TEI>