]> Brief: fmb-1829-11-26-01


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Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Johann Baptist Cramer in London <lb></lb>London, 26. November 1829 I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony with the accompaniments of Violin & Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C) noch nicht ermittelt noch nicht ermittelt Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) Transkription: FMB-C Edition: FMB-C Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Am Kupfergraben 5 10117 Berlin Deutschland
http://www.mendelssohn-online.com Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Bd. 1, 254

Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)

USA Washington, DC US-Wc Washington, DC, The Library of Congress, Music Division - ML30.8j.C62 op.11. Autograph Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Johann Baptist Cramer in London; London, 26. November 1829 I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony with the accompaniments of Violin & Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used

4 beschr. S.; Adresse.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy


Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.

Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept, Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.

26. November 1829 Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)counter-resetMendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847) London Großbritannien Cramer, Johann (John) Baptist (1771-1858) London Großbritannien deutsch
J. B. Cramer Esqu. 182 Regent Street.
Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)My dear Sir

I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_da7s4lmz-j29j-njig-9mas-wzwtrdn0sxtw"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="orchestral_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="symphonies" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100339" style="hidden">Sinfonie Nr. 1 (Sinfonia XIII) c-Moll für Orchester, 31. März 1824; [1829]<idno type="MWV">N 13</idno><idno type="op">11</idno></name> with the accompaniments of Violin & Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used abbreviations or signs, when there was a passage repeated several times, as for instance Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. instead of Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. or Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. of Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. and particularly Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. instead of Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe., Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe. for Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe., unisono, or coll’ 8va &c. &c. – I wish not to have printed those abbreviations, at least not as often, as I made use of them in my manuscript, & you would extremely oblige me in directing the printer to do so.

You have most kindly promised me to send me the copperplates before the publication to Berlin, in order to enable my publisherSchlesinger, Adolph Martin (bis 1812: Abraham Moses) (1769-1838) in that town to print the simphony after them as I do not possess another manuscript but the one I send you, & as it would be very agreeable to me to look over the arrangement once more & with greater ease before its being published in England. I accordingly requested my friend Mr. KlingemannKlingemann, Ernst Georg Carl Christoph Konrad (1798-1862) to send me over to Berlin these plates, as soon as you will have them finished & he is to call upon you for that purpose in the beginning of January, which I think is the latest period when they must be had in Berlin, if they shall be published the 1st of February, as we agreed upon.

Accept once more my thanks for all the kindness which on every occasion you have been pleased to shew me, & believe me my dear Siryours very trulyF. Mendelssohn BartholdyLondon. Nov. 26. 1829.
            My dear Sir
I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony with the accompaniments of Violin & Violoncello (ad lib. ) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used abbreviations or signs, when there was a passage repeated several times, as for instance instead of or of and particularly instead of, for, unisono, or coll’ 8va &c. &c. – I wish not to have printed those abbreviations, at least not as often, as I made use of them in my manuscript, & you would extremely oblige me in directing the printer to do so.
You have most kindly promised me to send me the copperplates before the publication to Berlin, in order to enable my publisher in that town to print the simphony after them as I do not possess another manuscript but the one I send you, & as it would be very agreeable to me to look over the arrangement once more & with greater ease before its being published in England. I accordingly requested my friend Mr. Klingemann to send me over to Berlin these plates, as soon as you will have them finished & he is to call upon you for that purpose in the beginning of January, which I think is the latest period when they must be had in Berlin, if they shall be published the 1st of February, as we agreed upon.
Accept once more my thanks for all the kindness which on every occasion you have been pleased to shew me, & believe me my dear Sir
yours very truly
F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
London. Nov. 26. 1829.          
            <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 ../../../fmbc_framework/xsd/fmb-c.xsd" xml:id="fmb-1829-11-26-01" xml:space="default"> <teiHeader xml:lang="de"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title key="fmb-1829-11-26-01" xml:id="title_eb34695f-8aa3-4d68-a217-2766979e4dc2">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Johann Baptist Cramer in London <lb></lb>London, 26. November 1829</title> <title level="s" type="incipit" xml:id="title_4e3e03ee-f461-415e-81ea-1918d4c71535">I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony with the accompaniments of Violin &amp; Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used</title> <title level="s" type="sub" xml:id="title_ad1e0182-ca6d-4fba-aacb-35d93e687deb">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online (FMB-C)</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="precursor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <title key="not_yet_determined" type="successor">noch nicht ermittelt</title> <author key="PSN0000001">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</author><respStmt><resp resp="writer"></resp><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName></respStmt><respStmt resp="transcription"> <resp resp="transcription">Transkription: </resp> <name resp="transcription">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> <respStmt resp="edition"> <resp resp="edition">Edition: </resp> <name resp="edition">FMB-C</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe (FMB-C). Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin</publisher> <address> <street>Am Kupfergraben 5</street> <placeName> <settlement>10117 Berlin</settlement> <country>Deutschland</country> </placeName> </address> <idno type="URI">http://www.mendelssohn-online.com</idno> <availability> <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</licence> </availability> <idno type="MSB">Bd. 1, 254 </idno></publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <p>Maschinenlesbare Übertragung der vollständigen Korrespondenz Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys (FMB-C)</p> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc source="edition_template_manuscript"> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>USA</country> <settlement>Washington, DC</settlement> <institution key="RISM">US-Wc</institution> <repository>Washington, DC, The Library of Congress, Music Division</repository> <collection>-</collection> <idno type="signatur">ML30.8j.C62 op.11.</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <msItem> <idno type="autograph">Autograph</idno> <title key="fmb-1829-11-26-01" type="letter" xml:id="title_bc7442cd-31f7-423a-9e8d-146c8da58fd8">Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy an Johann Baptist Cramer in London; London, 26. November 1829</title> <incipit>I take the liberty of sending you herewith my simphony with the accompaniments of Violin &amp; Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used</incipit> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc> <p>4 beschr. S.; Adresse.</p> <handDesc hands="1"> <p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy</p> </handDesc> <accMat> <listBibl> <bibl type="none"></bibl> </listBibl></accMat> </physDesc> <history> <provenance> <p>-</p> </provenance> </history> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc><projectDesc><p>Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C: Digitale Edition der vollständigen Korrespondenz Hin- und Gegenbriefe Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys auf XML-TEI-Basis.</p></projectDesc><editorialDecl><p>Die Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence Online-Ausgabe FMB-C ediert die Gesamtkorrespondenz des Komponisten Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809-1847 in Form einer digitalen, wissenschaftlich-kritischen Online-Ausgabe. Sie bietet neben der diplomatischen Wiedergabe der rund 6.000 Briefe Mendelssohns erstmals auch eine Gesamtausgabe der über 7.200 Briefe an den Komponisten sowie einen textkritischen, inhalts- und kontexterschließenden Kommentar aller Briefe. Sie wird ergänzt durch eine Personen- und Werkdatenbank, eine Lebenschronologie Mendelssohns, zahlreicher Register der Briefe, Werke, Orte und Körperschaften sowie weitere Verzeichnisse. Philologisches Konzept,  Philologische FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Uta Wald, Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Digitales Konzept, Digitale FMB-C-Editionsrichtlinien: Dr. Ulrich Taschow. Technische Konzeption der Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Correspondence FMB-C Ausgabe und Webdesign: Dr. Ulrich Taschow.</p></editorialDecl></encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation> <date cert="high" when="1829-11-26" xml:id="date_7399755b-9926-4897-b782-9175565bec26">26. November 1829</date></creation> <correspDesc> <correspAction type="sent"> <persName key="PSN0000001" resp="author" xml:id="persName_ecc0ff20-a822-44ca-9ead-965787d0294f">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName><note>counter-reset</note><persName key="PSN0000001" resp="writer">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</persName> <placeName type="writing_place" xml:id="placeName_46e27ddc-6f7c-4ecd-bfde-0887604958d8"> <settlement key="STM0100126">London</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country></placeName></correspAction> <correspAction type="received"> <persName key="PSN0110487" resp="receiver" xml:id="persName_6b56b485-7cf1-4dfb-886c-d6184b18be92">Cramer, Johann (John) Baptist (1771-1858)</persName> <placeName type="receiving_place" xml:id="placeName_6f9f9147-5a5b-4ec4-9ca0-75bcb2d991f7"> <settlement key="STM0100126">London</settlement> <country>Großbritannien</country> </placeName></correspAction> </correspDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="de">deutsch</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc status="draft">  </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="letter"> <body> <div type="address" xml:id="div_270fe42f-01f0-4a1c-8fbe-70f7307ea5c0"> <head> <address> <addrLine>J. B. Cramer</addrLine> <addrLine>Esqu.</addrLine> <addrLine>182</addrLine> <addrLine>Regent Street.</addrLine> </address> </head> </div> <div n="1" type="act_of_writing" xml:id="div_dcfd3c65-416e-435e-8e80-a7dfa1e57b81"><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="author" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><docAuthor key="PSN0000001" resp="writer" style="hidden">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</docAuthor><salute rend="left">My dear Sir</salute><p style="paragraph_without_indent">I take the liberty of sending you herewith <title xml:id="title_290b0222-7ca8-4635-935f-d568eee3517d">my simphony<list style="hidden" type="fmb_works_directory" xml:id="title_da7s4lmz-j29j-njig-9mas-wzwtrdn0sxtw"> <item n="1" sortKey="musical_works" style="hidden"></item> <item n="2" sortKey="instrumental_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="3" sortKey="orchestral_music" style="hidden"></item> <item n="4" sortKey="symphonies" style="hidden"></item></list><name key="PSN0000001" style="hidden" type="author">Mendelssohn Bartholdy (bis 1816: Mendelssohn), Jacob Ludwig Felix (1809-1847)</name><name key="PRC0100339" style="hidden">Sinfonie Nr. 1 (Sinfonia XIII) c-Moll für Orchester, 31. März 1824; [1829]<idno type="MWV">N 13</idno><idno type="op">11</idno></name></title> with the accompaniments of Violin &amp; Violoncello (ad lib.) In looking over the arrangement for two performers I saw that I very often have used abbreviations or signs, when there was a passage repeated several times, as for instance <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_1832406e-94de-b5bf7-1c487-a956858886a5" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> instead of <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_a0ed9b91-3915-b3bf2-c3525-0cd3d9cc3644" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> or <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_55c9b590-70a8-51b8b-0febf-e15b8a01eb68" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> of <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_c34150d8-31cd-12683-6737d-746a0e250be8" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> and particularly <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_256c9a11-67e2-e9f96-40f83-f4e7d33685c4" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> instead of <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_f5842c78-9f7a-c066f-7c299-86b9a87f147b" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note>, <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_daef8866-2eb1-fcc6a-cb0ac-ca37dcc78ff3" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note> for <note resp="FMBC" style="hidden" type="text_constitution" xml:id="note_59cf400e-f265-e4c2b-2a384-8e9e53ba54a9" xml:lang="de">Noten, Grafiken, Sonderzeichen siehe FMB-Druckausgabe.</note>, unisono, or coll’ 8va &amp;c. &amp;c. – I wish not to have printed those abbreviations, at least not as often, as I made use of them in my manuscript, &amp; you would extremely oblige me in directing the printer to do so.</p><p>You have most kindly promised me to send me the copperplates before the publication to Berlin, in order to enable <persName xml:id="persName_f928b836-dc44-4088-8584-bb8a3dbf14bf">my publisher<name key="PSN0114576" style="hidden">Schlesinger, Adolph Martin (bis 1812: Abraham Moses) (1769-1838)</name></persName> in that town to print the simphony after them <hi rend="underline">as I do not possess another manuscript but the one I send you</hi>, &amp; as it would be very agreeable to me to look over the arrangement once more &amp; with greater ease before its being published in England. I accordingly requested my friend <persName xml:id="persName_002e95a2-9d31-4cad-b453-7147f4e542b7">Mr. Klingemann<name key="PSN0112434" style="hidden">Klingemann, Ernst Georg Carl Christoph Konrad (1798-1862)</name></persName> to send me over to Berlin these plates, as soon as you will have them finished &amp; he is to call upon you for that purpose in the beginning of January, which I think is the latest period when they must be had in Berlin, if they shall be published the 1<hi rend="superscript">st</hi> of February, as we agreed upon.</p><closer rend="left" xml:id="closer_6cf0f2d0-4a63-4355-b71b-1988ec757c85">Accept once more my thanks for all the kindness which on every occasion you have been pleased to shew me, &amp; believe me </closer><signed rend="right">my dear Sir</signed><signed rend="right">yours very truly</signed><signed rend="right">F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy</signed><dateline rend="left">London. <date cert="high" when="1829-11-26" xml:id="date_89f05170-6bb8-460e-95af-b40f542016cf">Nov. 26. 1829</date>.</dateline></div></body> </text></TEI>